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' ' Copyright (c) 2012-2013 WangYe. All rights reserved. ' ' Author: WangYe ' Site: http://wangye.org ' This code is distributed under the BSD license ' ' For more information please visit ' https://wangye.org/blog/archives/767/ ' ' References: ' http://www.techcoil.com/blog/handy-vbscript-functions-for-dealing-with-zip-files-and-folders/ ' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30211/can-windows-built-in-zip-compression-be-scripted ' Class ZipCompressor Private objFileSystemObject Private objShellApplication Private objWScriptShell Private objScriptingDictionary Private objWMIService Private COPY_OPTIONS Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set objFileSystemObject = WSH.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objShellApplication = WSH.CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set objWScriptShell = WSH.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objScriptingDictionary = WSH.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim strComputer strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") ' COPY_OPTIONS ' 4 Do not display a progress dialog box. ' 16 Respond with "Yes to All" for ' any dialog box that is displayed. ' 512 Do not confirm the creation of a new ' directory if the operation requires one to be created. ' 1024 Do not display a user interface if an error occurs. COPY_OPTIONS = 4 + 16 + 512 + 1024 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set objWMIService = Nothing objScriptingDictionary.RemoveAll Set objScriptingDictionary = Nothing Set objWScriptShell = Nothing Set objShellApplication = Nothing Set objFileSystemObject = Nothing End Sub Private Sub makeEmptyZipFile(pathToZipFile) Dim file Set file = objFileSystemObject.CreateTextFile(pathToZipFile) file.Write Chr(80) & Chr(75) & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, 0) file.Close End Sub Private Function pathToAbsolute(fileName) Dim i, file, files files = Split(fileName, ";") ReDim tmpFiles(UBound(files)) i = 0 For Each file in files If file<>"" Then file = objWScriptShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(file) file = objFileSystemObject.GetAbsolutePathName(file) tmpFiles(i) = file i = i+1 End If Next If i-1 > 0 And i-1 < UBound(files) Then ReDim Preserve tmpFiles(i-1) pathToAbsolute = Join(tmpFiles, ";") Erase tmpFiles End Function Private Function pathCombine(fileName, nextFileName) Dim files, lastIndex files = Split(fileName, "\") lastIndex = UBound(files) If files(lastIndex)<>"" Then lastIndex = lastIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve files(lastIndex) End If files(lastIndex) = nextFileName pathCombine = Join(files, "\") Erase files End Function Private Function pathSplit(fileName) Dim fileSplitted(2) fileSplitted(0) = objFileSystemObject.GetDriveName(fileName) fileSplitted(2) = objFileSystemObject.GetFileName(fileName) fileSplitted(1) = Mid(fileName, Len(fileSplitted(0))+1, _ Len(fileName) - Len(fileSplitted(0)) - Len(fileSplitted(2))) pathSplit = fileSplitted End Function Private Function pathSplitForQuery(fileName) Dim fileSplitted fileSplitted = pathSplit(fileName) fileSplitted(1) = Replace(fileSplitted(1), "\", "\\") If Right(fileSplitted(1), 2) <> "\\" Then fileSplitted(1) = fileSplitted(1) & "\\" End If ' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa392263(v=vs.85).aspx fileSplitted(2) = Replace(fileSplitted(2), "_", "[_]") fileSplitted(2) = Replace(fileSplitted(2), "*", "%") fileSplitted(2) = Replace(fileSplitted(2), "?", "_") pathSplitForQuery = fileSplitted End Function Private Function buildQuerySQL(fileName) Dim fileSplitted, file, ext fileSplitted = pathSplitForQuery(fileName) Dim lastDotIndex file = "%" : ext = "%" If fileSplitted(2)<>"" Then lastDotIndex = InStrRev(fileSplitted(2), ".") file = fileSplitted(2) End If If lastDotIndex>0 Then ext = Mid(fileSplitted(2), _ lastDotIndex+1, Len(fileSplitted(2)) - lastDotIndex) file = Left(fileSplitted(2), Len(fileSplitted(2)) - Len(ext) - 1) End If ' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa387236(v=vs.85).aspx buildQuerySQL = "SELECT * FROM CIM_DataFile" & _ " WHERE Drive='" & fileSplitted(0) & "' AND" & _ " (FileName LIKE '" & file & "') AND" & _ " (Extension LIKE '" & ext & "') AND" & _ " (Path='" & fileSplitted(1) &"')" End Function Private Function deleteFile(fileName) deleteFile = False If objFileSystemObject.FileExists(fileName) Then objFileSystemObject.DeleteFile fileName deleteFile = True End If End Function Private Sub compress_(ByVal fileName, ByRef zipFile) Dim objFile, srcFile, srcFiles srcFiles = Split(fileName, ";") Dim colFiles ' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb787866(VS.85).aspx For Each srcFile In srcFiles If objFileSystemObject.FolderExists(srcFile) Then Set objFile = objShellApplication.NameSpace(srcFile) If Not (objFile Is Nothing) Then zipFile.CopyHere objFile.Items, COPY_OPTIONS Do Until objFile.Items.Count <= zipFile.Items.Count WScript.Sleep(200) Loop End If Set objFile = Nothing ElseIf objFileSystemObject.FileExists(srcFile) Then zipFile.CopyHere srcFile, COPY_OPTIONS WScript.Sleep(200) Else Set colFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery(buildQuerySQL(srcFile)) For Each objFile in colFiles srcFile = objFile.Name zipFile.CopyHere srcFile, COPY_OPTIONS WScript.Sleep(200) Next Set colFiles = Nothing End If Next End Sub Public Sub add(fileName) objScriptingDictionary.Add pathToAbsolute(fileName), "" End Sub ' Private Function makeTempDir() ' Dim tmpFolder, tmpName ' tmpFolder = objFileSystemObject.GetSpecialFolder(2) ' tmpName = objFileSystemObject.GetTempName() ' makeTempDir = pathCombine(tmpFolder, tmpName) ' objFileSystemObject.CreateFolder makeTempDir ' End Function Public Function compress(srcFileName, desFileName) Dim srcAbsFileName, desAbsFileName srcAbsFileName = "" If srcFileName<>"" Then srcAbsFileName = pathToAbsolute(srcFileName) End If desAbsFileName = pathToAbsolute(desFileName) If objFileSystemObject.FolderExists(desAbsFileName) Then compress = -1 Exit Function End If ' That zip file already exists - deleting it. deleteFile desAbsFileName makeEmptyZipFile desAbsFileName Dim zipFile Set zipFile = objShellApplication.NameSpace(desAbsFileName) If srcAbsFileName<>"" Then compress_ srcAbsFileName, zipFile End If compress = zipFile.Items.Count Dim objKeys, i objKeys = objScriptingDictionary.Keys For i = 0 To objScriptingDictionary.Count -1 compress_ objKeys(i), zipFile Next compress = compress + i Set zipFile = Nothing End Function Public Function decompress(srcFileName, desFileName) Dim srcAbsFileName, desAbsFileName srcAbsFileName = pathToAbsolute(srcFileName) desAbsFileName = pathToAbsolute(desFileName) If Not objFileSystemObject.FileExists(srcAbsFileName) Then decompress = -1 Exit Function End If If Not objFileSystemObject.FolderExists(desAbsFileName) Then decompress = -1 Exit Function End If Dim zipFile, objFile Set zipFile = objShellApplication.NameSpace(srcAbsFileName) Set objFile = objShellApplication.NameSpace(desAbsFileName) objFile.CopyHere zipFile.Items, COPY_OPTIONS Do Until zipFile.Items.Count <= objFile.Items.Count WScript.Sleep(200) Loop decompress = objFile.Items.Count Set objFile = Nothing Set zipFile = Nothing End Function End Class |
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Dim zip Set zip = New ZipCompressor ' 方法1 压缩文件 zip.compress "C:\Windows\notepad.exe", "notepad.zip" ' 方法2 压缩文件夹(包含子文件或文件夹) zip.compress "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc", "etc.zip" ' 方法3 使用环境变量及通配符压缩文件 zip.compress "%WINDIR%\*.log", "log.zip" ' 方法4 动态添加压缩 zip.add "*.pdf" zip.add "C:\Windows\notepad.exe" zip.add "%WINDIR%\*.log" zip.add "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" zip.compress "", "sample.zip" ' 方法5 路径分割方式压缩,以;分割 zip.compress _ "C:\Windows\KB*.log;C:\Windows\Notepad.exe;%WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc", _ "C:\sample.zip" Set zip = Nothing |
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Dim zip Set zip = New ZipCompressor ' 需要在D盘建立文件夹extract zip.decompress("sample.zip", "D:\extract") Set zip = Nothing |